CYBER Insights » CYBER INSIGHTS: Thursday 12 September 2024 – Today’s SME Cybersecurity News & Intelligence

CYBER INSIGHTS: Thursday 12 September 2024 – Today’s SME Cybersecurity News & Intelligence

Image Credit: LuisWilker_WilkerNet/Pixabay (Telco Gateway)
Image Credit: LuisWilker_WilkerNet/Pixabay

Helping keep European SMEs CYBERSafe!
Gibraltar: Thursday 12 September 2024 at 07:00 CET

CYBER INSIGHTS: The Latest SME Cybersecurity News & Intelligence …
Written & Curated By Iain Fraser – Cybersecurity Journalist
via CYBERInsights
First for SME Cybersecurity News
Google Indexed on 120924 at 08:45 CET

Welcome to Today’s Edition of CYBERInsights My Daily Roundup of the Latest European SME Cybersecurity News including: 1).  Understanding the UK’s PSTI Act 2). Tech Failures costing SMEs Thousands  3). What is Cyber Compliance?

#CyberInsights #SMECyberNews  #Cybersecurity #SMECybersecurity #PSTIAct #Manufacturing #TechFailures #TalkTalk #CyberCompliance

1). UK PSTI ACT: Understanding the UK’s PSTI Act: Key Security Requirements for Manufacturers – The UK’s Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI) Act. Our new article outlines the new security requirements and crucial considerations for manufacturers affected by the PSTI Act. It also addresses the regulations concerning products that have already been distributed—those that have left the manufacturer but are still in the distribution chain—highlighting the need for special attention to ensure compliance.

2). TECH FAILURES: Costing European SMEs Thousands – New TalkTalk Survey Reveals. A recent poll from TalkTalk Business highlights the significant impact technology failures have on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across Europe. The survey reveals that nearly one-quarter (23 percent) of these businesses have encountered system glitches within the past year. These technical issues have proven costly for many SMEs, with 17 percent reporting losses between €500 and €999 over the last 12 months

3). WHAT IS CYBERSECURITY COMPLIANCE – Protecting Data and Building Trust – CyberKPI: Compliance is to adhere to standards and regulations set by law or authority groups. Organizations must achieve Compliance by establishing controls that protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, with a focus on SMEsFor instance, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe outlines specific requirements for the protection of personal data, making it vital for businesses to comply with these standards to avoid legal repercussions

ABOUT IAIN FRASER – I am a Gibraltar based, Accredited Journalist, (*NUJ, IFJ & ONA) Authority Writer,  Commentator & Publisher of CYBERinsights and cover all aspects of Cybersecurity [Awareness, Threat Management, Best Practice Compliance & Mitigation] and report throughout Europe & the UK

LinkedIn Bio: IainFraserJournalist
Email: [email protected] |

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