CYBER Insights » PHISHING: PHISHING KPI/ Common Techniques and Preventing Phishing Attacks

PHISHING: PHISHING KPI/ Common Techniques and Preventing Phishing Attacks


PHISHING & Understanding the Threat of Phishing. – CyberKPI: Phishing, Is a deceptive cybercrime technique and poses a significant threat to SMEs in Europe and globally, impacting them financially and operationally. The Definitive Guide for UK & EU SMEs


Phishing, a deceptive cybercrime technique, poses a significant threat to Small SMEs globally, impacting them financially and operationally. Small Businesses are particularly vulnerable to Phishing attacks due to their limited resources and often inadequate cybersecurity measures. Cybercriminals exploit the lack of sophisticated IT security infrastructure in SMEs to launch successful Phishing campaigns, leading to substantial financial losses and reputational damage. The impact of phishing attacks on SMEs goes beyond monetary losses, affecting customer trust and loyalty, which are crucial for the survival and growth of Small Businesses.

Common Techniques Used in Phishing Attacks

Phishing emails often exploit trust by impersonating reputable organisations or individuals familiar to the recipients. By masquerading as a well-known bank or a popular online service provider, hackers aim to lower the target’s guard and increase the likelihood of a successful phishing attempt. An illustrative example could be receiving an email purportedly from a renowned e-commerce platform, informing the recipient of a special offer that requires clicking on a link to claim a reward. However, the link leads to a counterfeit website designed to harvest login credentials, exposing the individual to identity theft and financial fraud.

Image Credit: IfOnlyCommunications | Cybersecurity Journalist, CYBER Insights, SME Cybersecurity News,
Image Credit: IfOnlyCommunications

Impact of Phishing on Small Businesses and SMEs

The impact of Phishing on SMEs goes beyond financial losses, extending to reputational damage that can tarnish the trust and loyalty of customers. A single successful Phishing attack can erode the credibility of a small business, leading to customer churn and negative word-of-mouth publicity. For example, a small online retailer tricked into disclosing customer payment details through a phishing scam may face customer backlash, resulting in a loss of revenue and brand credibility.

Recognising and Preventing Phishing Attacks

To combat the growing sophistication of Phishing attacks, organisations must invest in continuous employee training and awareness programmes. By educating staff on how to spot phishing red flags, such as generic greetings, spelling errors, or unusual sender email addresses, businesses can empower their employees to act as the first line of defence against cyber threats. Conducting simulated Phishing exercises, where harmless phishing emails are sent to employees to assess their responses, can also help reinforce best practices and highlight areas for improvement in cybersecurity protocols.


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Image Credit: IfOnlyCommunications | Cybersecurity Journalist, Cyber Insights, SME Cybersecurity News,
Image Credit: IfOnlyCommunications

CYBER Insights – Helping keep European SMEs CYBERSafe!

Launched in 2020 by Cybersecurity Journalist Iain Fraser and his team at IfOnlyCommunications, CYBERInsights was developed to be the go-to platform providing definitive, reliable & actionable Cybersecurity News, Intel & Awareness Training for SMEs throughout Europe (UK & EU) as they as they further embraced new Technologies and Business Practices.

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