UK Small Business Cybersecurity UK Small Business Cybersecurity | Helping Keep Small Business CYBERSafe! » THREAT INTEL: Oversight in Global Cybersecurity & Cybercrime: Attribution, Liability & Mitigation

THREAT INTEL: Oversight in Global Cybersecurity & Cybercrime: Attribution, Liability & Mitigation

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Gibraltar: Wednesday 17 July  2024 at 11:00 CET
Helping keep European SMEs CYBERSafe!

THREAT INTEL: Oversight in Global Cybersecurity and Cybercrime: Attribution, Liability, and Mitigation (AML). 

By Andy Jenkinson – Guest Contributor |  Group CEO Cybersec Innovation Partners
via CYBERInsights
First for SME Cybersecurity News
Google Indexed on 170724 at 12:15 CET

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From my presentation to the Financial Crime Forum, I discussed a critical issue and oversight in global Cybersecurity and Cybercrime: Attribution, Liability, and Mitigation (AML).

Unlike it’s more familiar namesake, Anti-Money Laundering, ALM in Cybersecurity looks at Attribution, Mitigation, and Liability. Money Laundering may also come into the mix.

This situation is specifically illustrated through a recent harrowing case of a woman who lost her entire savings while purchasing a house and featured on Channel 5 TV. Cybercriminals intercepted email exchanges, altered bank details, and orchestrated a seamless scam, leading to a loss of £120,000.

However, whilst the pain is being felt by all involved, none more so than the unfortunate victim, a chilling fact: the mail servers of the supplier, the victim, and even the bank are all compromised. The servers, maintained by a tech giant, harbour insecure and blacklisted IPv4 addresses. The Access and attack could have exploited any or all servers and parties.

Consequently, the supplier lost a sale, the victim lost her life savings, and the bank now face legal challenges for merely executing a payment request.

Surely, someone must be liable and someone is to blame? 3rd 🥉 party cyber insurance Gerry Kennedy.

This scenario underscores a pervasive issue: the profound lack of competence and understanding in security in the first place closely followed by those investigating such Cybercrimes, namely Attribution, Mitigation, and Liability which are all too often obscured, leaving the true culprits unscathed.

Instead, symptoms are addressed in a futile game of Digital Whack-a-Mole, with false attributions abounding. Legal outcomes become a game of chance, devoid of real knowledge or facts.

This recurring scam highlights a dire need for greater understanding, knowledge, and change.


The Cybersecurity industry and the legal sector must develop a deeper understanding of root causes rather than simply treating symptoms. Until we achieve this, costs and losses will continue to trickle down and through the economy with the real perpetrators of Cybercrime continuing to evade culpability and justice whilst leaving millions of victims in their wake.

It’s time for a paradigm shift. We must equip investigators with the knowledge and tools to trace Cybercrime back to their origin and attribute accordingly.

Only then can we hold the true culprits accountable and protect future victims from similar fates. We must stop playing Digital Whack-a-Mole and start addressing the real issues at hand – INSECURE SERVERS.

Cybersec Innovation Partners
National Cyber Security Centre
FBI Cyber Division
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Central Intelligence Agency
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
The Washington Post
The New York Times
BBC News
ITV News
Channel 5
ABC News
Fox News Media


About Andy Jenkinson

Group CEO CIP. Fellow Cyber Theory Institute. Director Fintech & Cyber Security Alliance (FITCA) working with Governments. Recognised Expert in Internet Asset & DNS Vulnerabilities.

Andy Jenkinson is a senior and seasoned innovative Executive with over 30 years’ experience as a hands-on lateral thinking CEO, coach, and leader. A ‘big deal’ business accelerator, and inspirational, lateral thinker, Andy has crafted, created, and been responsible for delivering 100’s £ millions of projects within the Cyber, Technical, Risk and Compliance markets for some of the world’s largest, leading organisations. Andy has a demonstrable track record of largescale technical delivery and management within many sectors including the Professional, Managed, and Financial Services.