UK Small Business Cybersecurity UK Small Business Cybersecurity | Helping Keep Small Business CYBERSafe! » THREAT INTEL: CYBER CRIMINALS continue to gain easy access via UNSECURED Internet Assets.

THREAT INTEL: CYBER CRIMINALS continue to gain easy access via UNSECURED Internet Assets.

Image Credit: IfOnlyCommunications

Gibraltar: Tuesday 16 July 2024 at 11:50 CET
Helping keep European SMEs CYBERSafe!

THREAT INTEL: Cyber Criminals continue to gain easy access to systems and networks via UNSECURED Internet Assets.

By Andy Jenkinson – Guest Contributor |  Group CEO Cybersec Innovation Partners
via CYBERInsights
First for SME Cybersecurity News
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#CyberInsights #SMECybersecurityNews #Cybersecurity #WhitethornShield #InternetSecurity #DNS #PKI

Cyberattacks are at pandemic levels as Cyber Criminals continue to gain easy access to systems and networks via UNSECURED Internet Assets.

With Whitethorn Shield we aim to dramatically change that and fight back by providing unparalleled cyber protection with Shield’s Pay Per Vulnerability (PPV) service.

The average Cyberattack costs a staggering $4.5 million, our expertise in identifying and securing exposed Internet assets, domains, subdomains, and servers provides unrivalled discovery and therefore frontline defence.

By greatly reducing the Threat Landscape, you secure and protect what you may have otherwise not known, or assumed was secure.

Embracing expert vulnerability discovery is not just smarter—it is by far cheaper. Don’t wait for a criminal’s ransom demand to act. Proactively protect your business with Whitethorn Shield PPV.


About Andy Jenkinson

Group CEO CIP. Fellow Cyber Theory Institute. Director Fintech & Cyber Security Alliance (FITCA) working with Governments. Recognised Expert in Internet Asset & DNS Vulnerabilities.

Andy Jenkinson is a senior and seasoned innovative Executive with over 30 years’ experience as a hands-on lateral thinking CEO, coach, and leader. A ‘big deal’ business accelerator, and inspirational, lateral thinker, Andy has crafted, created, and been responsible for delivering 100’s £ millions of projects within the Cyber, Technical, Risk and Compliance markets for some of the world’s largest, leading organisations. Andy has a demonstrable track record of largescale technical delivery and management within many sectors including the Professional, Managed, and Financial Services.