UK Small Business Cybersecurity UK Small Business Cybersecurity | Helping Keep Small Business CYBERSafe! » THREAT INTEL: DNS – Reverse DNS can keep your website safe from email spammers & bad server neighbours

THREAT INTEL: DNS – Reverse DNS can keep your website safe from email spammers & bad server neighbours

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Gibraltar: Monday 15 July 2024 at 10:50 CET

THREAT INTEL: DNS – Reverse DNS can help keep your website safe from email spammers and bad server neighbours

By Andy Jenkinson – Guest Contributor |  Group CEO Cybersec Innovation Partners
via CYBERInsights
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#CyberInsights #SMECybersecurityNews #Cybersecurity #WhitethornShield #InternetSecurity #DNS #PKI

”Reverse DNS” is one of those obscure things that you only seem to learn about when you become a pro at managing your website.

First you learn about web hosting and why it’s impossible to start a website without it, then you learn the importance of backing up your website so that all your hard work doesn’t vanish overnight, and then years later, when you’ve been successfully managing your website for a while, you somehow encounter the term “Reverse DNS”, and a whole new world of possibilities opens up for you.

Well, today, we’re giving your internet knowledgebase a massive boost. We’re diving right into DNS.

This article is now over 4 Years Old and was written within weeks of CISA issuing their Emergency Directive on DNS Tampering and Abuse M-19-01 after many Federal Agencies suffered DNS attacks taking them offline for many weeks let alone digital intrusion and untold harm.

”Reverse DNS” can help keep your website safe from email spammers and bad server neighbours, and it can even help you make better marketing decisions and scope out your competitors. This powerful tool is definitely worth knowing about.


A very worthwhile article to read and then add the fact how widely Insecure and subsequently exploited DNS records and servers are and you’d have to either be negligent, or complicit with Cybercrime to ignore DNS.

Cybersec Innovation Partners
National Cyber Security Centre
FBI Cyber Division
Central Intelligence Agency
U.S. Department of State
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
National Security Agency
BBC News
ITV News
ABC News
Fox News Media


About Andy Jenkinson

Group CEO CIP. Fellow Cyber Theory Institute. Director Fintech & Cyber Security Alliance (FITCA) working with Governments. Recognised Expert in Internet Asset & DNS Vulnerabilities.

Andy Jenkinson is a senior and seasoned innovative Executive with over 30 years’ experience as a hands-on lateral thinking CEO, coach, and leader. A ‘big deal’ business accelerator, and inspirational, lateral thinker, Andy has crafted, created, and been responsible for delivering 100’s £ millions of projects within the Cyber, Technical, Risk and Compliance markets for some of the world’s largest, leading organisations. Andy has a demonstrable track record of largescale technical delivery and management within many sectors including the Professional, Managed, and Financial Services.