CYBER Insights » CYBER INSIGHTS: Friday 14 June 2024 – Today’s SME Cybersecurity News & Intelligence

CYBER INSIGHTS: Friday 14 June 2024 – Today’s SME Cybersecurity News & Intelligence

Image Credit: Christiaan Colen/Flickr
Image Credit: IfOnlyCommunications

Gibraltar: Friday  14 June 2024 at 07:00 CET

CYBER INSIGHTS: The Latest SME Cybersecurity News & Intelligence …
Written & Curated By Iain Fraser – Cybersecurity Journalist,
SME Cyber Insights
Google Indexed on 140624 at 07:50 CET

#SMECyberInsights #SMECybersecurityNews #Phishing #Spoofing #OnlineBanking #CyberInsurance

Welcome to Today’s Edition of CYBERInsights – My Daily Roundup of the Latest European SME Cybersecurity News including: 1). Phishing: Slow Down  2). European Banks Vulnerability 3). What is Cyber Insurance?

1). PHISHING: DONT GET HOOKED – The following simple protocols will help your SME defend against Phishing attacks. Common Sense really – but we all need to be reminded, pressure of work, rushing to meet deadlines; all daily scenarios in Small Businesses can often make the best of us complacent and that is exactly what the Cyber criminal is relying on. There is a myriad of methods on offer in the arsenal of the hacker but slowing down when you receive any communication whether email or Smartphone message is probably the best tactic of all. Take your time …

2). THREAT INTEL: EUROPEAN BANKS VULNERABLE – OcCGs (Organised Cybercrime Groups) are targeting the European Banking & Finance Sector with Phishing Crimeware-as-a-Service which hackers can buy from the Dark Web for as little as €120 a month according to researchers at Global Cyber Intelligence Firm ReSecurity. The Research team identified the phishing kit which they have named V3B has been operational since March last year (2023) V3B enables hackers to deploy both social-engineering and spoofing tactics by identifying themselves as bona-fide banks …

3). WHAT IS CYBER INSURANCE & Learn if Your SME SHOULD have Cyber Insurance? Understanding if you need Cyber Insurance  and if it is essential for all SMEs. Download the CYBERInsights Guide to Cyber Insurance: A Comprehensive KPI to help you understand Cyber Insurance, its definition, and how to respond to attacks, with a focus on the importance of proactive measures and preparedness. Learn exactly why your SME should take out Cyber Insurance.

ABOUT IAIN FRASER – I am a Gibraltar based, Accredited Journalist, (*NUJ, IFJ & ONA) Authority Writer,  Commentator & Publisher of CYBERinsights and cover all aspects of Cybersecurity [Awareness, Threat Management, Best Practice Compliance & Mitigation] and report throughout Europe & the UK

In addition to Cybersecurity, I also cover the sectors where I have either operational experience or subject matter expert knowledge including: Geopolitics, Defence Technology, AI & National Security and contribute to a broad range of European facing news channels, blogs and digital magazines as either Guest Feature Writer, Columnist or Consultant Editor.

LinkedIn Bio: IainFraserJournalist
Email: [email protected] |

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