UK Small Business Cybersecurity UK Small Business Cybersecurity | Helping Keep Small Business CYBERSafe! » THREAT INTEL: FBI Breach Enabled Hackers to launch Huge Phishing campaign

THREAT INTEL: FBI Breach Enabled Hackers to launch Huge Phishing campaign

Image Credit: DaveNEWMAN/Flickr/FBI
Image Credit: DaveNEWMAN/Flickr/FBI

Gibraltar: Thursday 13 June  2024 at 11:50 CET

THREAT INTEL: FBI Breach Enabled Hackers to launch Huge Phishing campaign  

By Andy Jenkinson – Guest Contributor |  Group CEO Cybersec Innovation Partners
SME Cyber Insights

#CyberInsights #SMECybersecurityNews #Cybersecurity #WhitethornShield #InternetSecurity #Cybercrime #CyberInsurance #DNS #PKI

THREAT INTEL: FBI Breach Enabled Hackers to launch Huge Phishing campaign – In November 2021 The The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) sent 100,000 phishing emails to 100,000 unsuspecting, but trusting recipients. The email was after all, seemingly sent by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) DID NOT send the emails…

Due to being INSECURE, criminals gained access and exploited the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) servers and used them to send the massive phishing campaign.

In 2023 347 schools in the UK confirmed Cyberattacks. Jisc provide JANET the technology backbone to every school, college, and university in the UK.

Jisc issued a report on 6 February 2024 on the 2023 The University of Manchester cyberattack which occurred just weeks after the newly appointed CISO had commenced. In the report Jisc stated;

”Like 91% of all attacks on the (education) sector , initial access was gained via a phishing email.”

Given the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)‘s 100k phishing emails and Insecure servers being exploited, one would naturally assume Jisc, as experts in Technology and with their own Cyber division would ensure their servers are secure?

When we informed the CEO of Jisc of their exposed, vulnerable, and insecure servers, including their MX (Mail Exchange) servers, we were threatened with legal action despite providing hard evidence.


Likewise, when we informed and shared unequivocal evidence with The University of Manchester instead of being grateful, we were met with hostility, dismissiveness, and threats.

These reactions are unquestionably alarming and show unhealthy and unhelpful reactions akin to Paula Vennells circling the wagons and setting the legal system upon anyone who dare question errors, mistakes, and negligence.

Make no mistake, crime is taking place on an industrial scale within the education system and exposing 10 million children.

The Elephant in the room: are Jisc, knowingly or unknowingly assisting that crime by failing to secure their servers and failing to meet privacy and security regulations?

The Jisc 300 year incorrect digital certificate our research discovered along with a plethora of other basic security failings demonstrates Jisc are certainly complacent and negligent.

That just leaves the question, are they complicit?

Gillian Keegan Nazir Afzal OBE Heather Lowrie

Serious Fraud Office (UK)
Metropolitan Police
Information Commissioner’s Office
Greater Manchester Police

About Andy Jenkinson

Group CEO CIP. Fellow Cyber Theory Institute. Director Fintech & Cyber Security Alliance (FITCA) working with Governments. Recognised Expert in Internet Asset & DNS Vulnerabilities.

Andy Jenkinson is a senior and seasoned innovative Executive with over 30 years’ experience as a hands-on lateral thinking CEO, coach, and leader. A ‘big deal’ business accelerator, and inspirational, lateral thinker, Andy has crafted, created, and been responsible for delivering 100’s £ millions of projects within the Cyber, Technical, Risk and Compliance markets for some of the world’s largest, leading organisations. Andy has a demonstrable track record of largescale technical delivery and management within many sectors including the Professional, Managed, and Financial Services.