The UK Small Business Cybersecurity Network | Helping Keep Small Business CYBERSafe! » CYBER VOICE PR | EUROPOL: MALWARE – Largest ever operation against Botnets hits Malware

CYBER VOICE PR | EUROPOL: MALWARE – Largest ever operation against Botnets hits Malware

Image Credit: OSeveno/Wikimedia Commons
Image Credit: OSeveno/Wikimedia Commons

Gibraltar: Thursday, 30 May 2024 at 08:45 CET

CYBER VOICE PR | EUROPOL: MALWARE –  Largest ever operation against botnets hits dropper malware ecosystem
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#CYBERVoice #SMECyberPR #SMECybersecurityNews #Europol #Malware #Botnets

Largest ever operation against botnets hits dropper malware ecosystem International operation
shut down droppers including IcedID, SystemBC, Pikabot, Smokeloader and Bumblebee leading
to four arrests and takedown of over 100 servers worldwide – EUROPOL

Between 27 and 29 May 2024 Operation Endgame, coordinated from Europol’s headquarters,
targeted droppers including, IcedID, SystemBC, Pikabot, Smokeloader, Bumblebee and Trickbot.

The actions focused on disrupting criminal services through arresting High Value Targets, taking
down the criminal infrastructures and freezing illegal proceeds. This approach had a global impact
on the dropper ecosystem. The malware, whose infrastructure was taken down during the action
days, facilitated attacks with ransomware and other malicious software.

Following the action days, eight fugitives linked to these criminal activities, wanted by Germany,
will be added to Europe’s Most Wanted list on 30 May 2024. The individuals are wanted for their involvement in serious cybercrime activities.

This is the largest ever operation against botnets, which play a major role in the deployment of ransomware. The operation, initiated and led by France, Germany and the Netherlands was also supported by Eurojust and involved Denmark, the United Kingdom and the United States.

In addition, Armenia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Switzerland and Ukraine also supported the operation with different actions, such as arrests, interviewing suspects, searches, and seizures or takedowns of servers and domains. The operation was also supported by a number of private partners at national and international level including Bitdefender, Cryptolaemus, Sekoia, Shadowserver, Team Cymru, Prodaft, Proofpoint, NFIR, Computest, Northwave, Fox-IT, HaveIBeenPwned, Spamhaus and DIVD.


Headquartered in The Hague, the Netherlands, Europol’s mission is to support its Member States in preventing and combating all forms of serious international and organised crime, cybercrime and terrorism. Europol also works with many non-EU partner states and international organisations.


Image Credit: Florian Pircher/Pixabay | Cybersecurity Journalist, Cyber Insights, SME Cybersecurity,

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