CYBER Insights » CYBER VOICE PR | SPAIN: 2.8M User Accounts Leaked in Spain in Q1 2024, Marking an Almost 6x Increase

CYBER VOICE PR | SPAIN: 2.8M User Accounts Leaked in Spain in Q1 2024, Marking an Almost 6x Increase

Image Credit: IfOnlyCommunications/AI
Image Credit: IfOnlyCommunications/AI

Gibraltar: Tuesday, 28 May 2024 at 10:30 CET

CYBER VOICE PR | SPAIN: 2.8M User Accounts Leaked in Spain in Q1 2024, Marking an Almost 6x Increase
Syndicated By Iain Fraser – Cybersecurity Journalist
Cybersecurity PR
Google Indexed on 280524 at 11:15 CET

#CYBERVoice #CybersecurityJournalist #SMECybersecurity #Spain #DataBreach 

Spain witnessed 2.8M leaked online user accounts at the start of 2024. It is a 484% increase in Q1 2024 over Q4 2023, Surfshark’s global data breach monitoring tool shows

Data breach stats in Spain since 2004:

• Spain is the 11th most breached nation globally over the last 20 years.
• Out of the 186M compromised internet accounts, 57M have unique email addresses
• Spain has had a total of 570M personal records exposed since 2004. On average, each email address is leaked with 3 additional data points.
• 130M passwords were leaked together with Spanish accounts putting 70% of breached users in danger of account takeover that might lead to identity theft, extortion, or other cybercrimes.

Surfshark’s extensive monitoring of data breach trends over the past two decades reveals an alarming digital reality: data leaks persist as an ongoing global threat. Since 2004, a staggering 17 billion user accounts have been leaked worldwide, with 400 million occurrences recorded at the start of this year,” says Lina Survila, a spokesperson at Surfshark. “We urge everyone to remain vigilant, create strong passwords, refrain from reusing them, and exercise caution when sharing personal information online.”

Note: A data breach happens when confidential and sensitive data gets exposed to unauthorized third parties. In this study, we treat every breached or leaked email address used to register for online services as a separate user account, which may have been leaked with additional information, such as password, phone number, IP address, zip code, and more. Learn More/…


Image Credit: Florian Pircher/Pixabay | Cybersecurity Journalist, Cyber Insights, SME Cybersecurity,

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